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Store Policies and FAQ

Question: When I order through PayPal, why do I see "Christopher's Crafts, Paintings & Photography" on the receipt?


Answer: This site and the items listed for sale at market value have been made by the aforementioned business entity.  The aforementioned entity is creating customized items for SDPC as variants of their product lines, and net proceeds from sales on will go to support Save Del Puerto Canyon's advocacy and conservation efforts through an accont managed by The Green Incubator.  This setup is on a trial basis to both assess online interest in SDPC-themed items and test out the feasibility of SDPC creating and running an online store.  This arrangement is being done with the supervision of the Save Del Puerto Canyon leadership group.  Documents relating to expenses and transactions through this site are shared with SDPC.    


Question: What are you shipping policies?


Answer: These items ship within the United States.  Estimated shipping costs vary based on the USPS shipping calculator.  Priority mail flat rate boxes may be used for orders of 3 or more.  If the actual cost to ship your items turns out to be cheaper than this estimated cost once at the post office, the difference will be refunded to you via PayPal.  Please allow for roughly 1-2 weeks between the time you make your online order and the time when you expect to recieve you item(s).  Policies around how shipping prices are calculated my change over time. 


Question: What is Save Del Puerto Canyon?


Answer: Save Del Puerto Canyon ( is a grassroots group that formed a few years ago in response to a proposed series of dams and public roadway reroute which would impact several miles of an important nature space for locals in Patterson, CA, as well as many eduational and hobby groups from throughout the state.  From their website (  

"We are a grassroots coalition of concerned community residents, and those who appreciate the canyon as a local natural, historical, and cultural resource. Our effort has become thousands strong. Our founding body is diverse and representative ranging from journalists, professors, real estate agents, teachers, parents, small business owners, and farmers. Essentially, SDPC is you. Prior to our involvement, the majority of Pattersonites were unaware of this project. It is our mission to accurately inform our friends and neighbors to serious issues that the multiple dams would cause. Any benefits are outweighed by the issues and concerns. Save DPC is not anti-dam. We are farmer-friendly, and are versed in understanding the essentiality of recharging aquifers. We are open to a wide variety of water conservation methods..."


Question: When can I use the Save Del Puerto Canyon logo?


Answer: Use of the Save Del Puerto Canyon logo for commercial purposes must be done with permission from Save Del Puerto Canyon (email:, and such uses must provide a direct benefit for the group and its mission to protect and advocate for Del Puerto Canyon.      


Question: How do you use site cookies and what is your privacy policy?


When you visit and shop on this site, cookies are used to keep track of your orders in progress and only to provide the information needed to fulfill your order, like your name and shipping address.  Other optional contact info may be used to reply to questions you send to the site owner about your order.  Anonymous and aggregate data showing the number of visitors per day, cities where website visitors come from, etc., are only used by site admins to assess the performance of the website.  Transaction records will be shared with the financial representative(s) for Save Del Puerto Canyon and will not be used for any other commercial purposes.

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